Plant-based dietary sources of zinc

plant growing

Are you getting enough zinc on a plant-based diet?Questions answered in this article: How is zinc’s bioavailability impacted on a plant-based diet? How can I make sure I’m getting enough zinc on a plant-based diet? Who should be more mindful of healthy zinc status? What are other nutrients to keep in mind when on a plant-based diet? What should I … Read More

Think zinc: The mind mineral

Think zinc: The mind mineralQuestions answered in this article: What’s the connection between zinc and mental health? Can zinc deficiency cause depression? What’s the relationship between zinc and Alzheimer’s? Can zinc deficiency be linked to schizophrenia and psychosis? Can bipolar be treated naturally? What role does copper play in mental health? How can I optimize my mental health through nutrition? … Read More

Conquering chronic fatigue with zinc


Conquering chronic fatigue with zincQuestions answered in this article: How do I know if I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? What is zinc’s role in CFS? How can I treat chronic fatigue? Chronic fatigue is one of the most common and difficult syndromes to diagnose. Life gets busy, responsibilities stack up, and exhaustion sets in. But if this exhaustion becomes constant, … Read More

Can zinc alleviate your allergy symptoms?

Zinc for Allergy Relief

Can zinc alleviate your allergy symptoms?Questions answered in this article: What is an allergy? What’s the relationship between zinc and allergies? What other nutrients provide relief from allergy symptoms? The seasonal shift from winter to spring signifies a great deal; warmer weather, lots of sunshine, flowers blooming, and an unfortunate reality for so many – allergies. Often associated with symptoms … Read More

The importance of zinc for healthy menopause

Importance of zinc for menopause

The importance of zinc for healthy menopauseQuestions answered in this article: What are the symptoms of menopause? How does zinc affect women’s hormones during menopause? How much zinc do I need daily? Zinc and women’s health share an important connection, especially during menopause. As an essential trace mineral, zinc is needed only in small amounts, but a zinc deficiency can … Read More

Overcome stubborn dandruff with zinc

Overcoming dandruff with zinc

Overcome stubborn dandruff with zincQuestions answered in this article: What’s the link between zinc deficiency and dandruff? Where does dandruff come from? How do I get rid of dandruff? Those who suffer from dandruff know it can be embarrassing, annoying, and uncomfortable. The cascade of white flakes and itchy scalp can be difficult to get rid of, affecting your day-to-day … Read More

Is low zinc status dangerous for older adults?

Low Zinc

Is low zinc status dangerous for older adults?Questions answered in this article: Why are older adults more susceptible to zinc deficiency? What role does zinc play in healthy aging? How much zinc do older adults need daily? For many people, the physical signs of aging serve as a reminder to nourish the body and prevent health from declining. Some may … Read More

Zinc for athletes

Zinc for athletes

Zinc for athletesQuestions answered in this article: Why are trace minerals important for athletes? What role does oxidative stress play in exercise? What role does zinc play in building muscle? Should athletes take supplements? Whether you work out to stay fit, lose weight or feel good, exercise has many benefits and it’s important to fuel your body to optimize training. … Read More

Zinc: It’s helping your children grow

Zinc helps children grow

Zinc: It’s helping your children growQuestions answered in this article: Why is zinc important for children? How do I get more zinc in my child’s diet? What is the right dosage of zinc for my child? There are so many things for parents to consider when raising strong and healthy children. With school, extracurricular activities, and all the obligations in … Read More

Can zinc deficiency cause a loss of taste and smell?

Zinc, taste and smell

Can a zinc deficiency cause loss of taste and smell?Questions answered in this article: How does smell work? How does taste work? What happens when you lose your ability to smell or taste? What causes a loss of smell and taste? Can a zinc deficiency affect smell and taste? How do I prevent the loss of smell and taste? Imagine … Read More